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AQ is more important than IQ

Nov 1, 2014

sudhanshu-maharajAQ is more important than EQ or IQ, when it comes to performance said Guru Sudhansuji Maharaj in an exclusive interview to the Sunday Campus. In India we are more concerned with the IQ- Intelligence Quotient level and certificates of a job aspirant whereas the West has resorted to EQ-Emotion Quotient and AQ-Adversity Quotient. This decides how a person will react when under emotional stress or faced with adversities. A person with low EQ and AQ levels tend to flee circumstances or even commit suicide.

Sharing the concern of Sunday Campus he said, Indian policy makers are confused over various issues. In India traditionally moral values and ethics was passed on to the next generation by parents, grand parents and other relatives.  Currently nuclear families have become the way of life. The child finds little or no support from his parents and chances of drawing moral support from grand parents are even less. Moral lessons at school has been contained within a single book. The teachers interventioned had been regulated by law. But what we have overlooked is that the west has a number of psychologists placed in every school who closely monitor the growth and development of a child. They follow the child’s behaviour, attitude and his capacity to cope up with adverse situations. They lend him all support and devise ways to help him cope up with his short comings. This is where India is lagging behind and more and more people are committing suicide or trying to flee the situation or society itself.
Coming down to short listing teachers or employees in any field, Guruji said, the west evaluates a man’s EQ and AQ besides taking note of his academic achievements whereas in India only academic qualification is sought after. The result is palpable. We have more and more teachers, officers and leaders coming up with little or no ethical values, inhuman attitude and antisocial or even criminal behaviour, he added.
Speaking of the age old Indian Tradition he said, we had the best social practise in place. The child used to learn from his parents during childhood, from teachers and associates during his teens and from the Guru in adulthood. Literally the mother taught the child till the age of seven. The father guided him to the teenage. Once he was in school the teacher took charge. All of them guided and moulded him emotionally, physically and ethicaly to be better human beings. They moulded and strengthened his conscience too. A person such brought up was ready to face all challenges with courage. This system is eroding fast and the impact can be felt all over the society.

Love is nothing beyond words

We are living in a world where love is all words and pangs. Saying I Love You or I Hate You has become a matter of few seconds. Breakups in love and throwing up the wedding ring is rampant. Tolerance has been torn to shreds. This is why breakups are followed by hatred or even violence, he said.

Rotting policital system

Answering to a querry he said, the present political system was rotting. More and more corrupt people are teaming up instead of the best coming together. Chanakya is contextual to the present date. He was the man behind uniting the various kingdoms from Hindukush to Bay of Bengal. Whereas, now the country is being divided and further subdivided into smaller units to suit the interests of political goons. Politics of hatred is killing the nation, he opined.

The old and the orphans

India is facing a new class of orphans and the number is increasing by leaps and bounds. Kids are orphaned due to death of parents, poverty and naxal-extremist menace. Senior citizens are abandoned by their kins. Expressing deep concern over this trend he informed that the Vishwa Jagriti Mission has come up with two schools for the orphaned kids at Jharkhand. Beggars, pick pockets and drug addicts are brought into the schools and provided with value education. Oldage homes have been raised to accomodate the deserted senior citizens. We have limited resources but doing what we can. The scenario cannot be changed untill and unless the society rises to face the odds.

Fighting the naxal menace

Speaking on the naxal menace and the number of lives claimed in armed conflict he said, it is easier to open a lock with its key that trying to break it with a hammer. We must address the core issues. From Africa to the hilly tribal areas of India it is the same story. These poor people are sitting on the proverbial treasure chest, oblivious of the mineral wealth. The country may need the minerals badly but the fear of losing homestead in the tribals is even greater. We must touch their hearts before we come down upon them with arms, he said.

Discipline is power

We have turned into a mob of millions whereas the power lies in discipline. What we see today is people with good oratory are drawing crowds, but they must fall in discipline to bring about a change.

Money and success

One cannot make his son a success by pumping in more and more money. To be successfull, the son must hone up his skills as an entrepreneur and learn how to make money. This is why sons of most wealthy people are proving to be failures whereas the father is accumulating money by all means to secure the future of his offsprings.

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